Not every prediction list is worth a conversation but when Joanne read the Red Sky Predictions for 2024 she knew this one was! So she reached out to Linda Descano, Executive Vice President from Havas Red to invite her back on the podcast to discuss what Havas Red calls 8 Predictions for Communicators on the Cutting Edge.
While Joanne and Linda don’t cover all eight (you can read the full report for that) they do cover, Truthtelling in Storytelling (#2), GenerativeIRL (#3), The Raging 20s (#5) and the MiniInfluencer(#7).
They also step back into 2023 for a bit to talk about why Havas Red chose chaos as their word of the year.
Tune in for a smart and engaging conversation!
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The full Red Sky 2024 Prediction Report
Chaos, the 2023 Word of the Year according to Havas Red
More about New York Women in Communications here
Episode #16, Wisdom from a Conversation Architect
Joanne’s favorite mini influencer, Baby Sam.
Marketing, Mindfulness, and Martinis - an unfiltered look at what’s changing and what’s not - in business and life - is hosted by Joanne Tombrakos. Each week Joanne offers a mixture of diverse and real-life conversations with industry leaders navigating the changes in their business and their lives in these challenging and uncertain times and occasional rants from her on timely topics that she just can’t keep quiet about.
For more about Joanne, visit
Crafting Your Pitch, A Storytelling Framework is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indie Bound, and other online booksellers.
Learn more about Joanne's other books here.
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